Your contribution ensures that we can continue offering life-changing services without delay, ultimately empowering individuals to overcome obstacles and rebuild their lives with dignity and resilience.
While our mission is fueled by a passion for positive change, the reality is that we rely heavily on grants for funding. However, grants operate on a reimbursement basis, meaning we must invest our own resources upfront before receiving any financial support.​
This is where your generosity becomes crucial. Your donation can help bridge the gap between our immediate needs and the funding we receive through grants. By providing financial support, you enable us to allocate resources towards crucial staff members, vital programs, and necessary supplies for our clients.
Restored & Revived has partnered with Zeffy to securely process your online donation.
This transaction will appear on your bank statement as "Restored & Revived".​
All donations will receive acknowledgement with a tax receipt.
EIN #83-2488929